Welcome to the second edition of Sunshine Thursdays or what am loving this week , and u'll find my first post here and the rest here.
So in going with the flow of sharing about my fav tools ,what happens in the background and more , here is my first post about Cool blogger tips and tricks:-)
Food bloggers we are who love food blogging....
We love to play with eggs , flour and butter , not necessarily in that order.
As muc as with milk , honey ,oil ,and nuts , where tea times are to love and enjoy , not coz we have to.
A mixing bowl excited us more than a tee or keds do.

Love is food ,food with love...

As food bloggers one of the really important aspect , is feed back ie the comments or SPrinkle fairies , we all agree how muc that gives a boost !
And i and lods of us always lovee to reply ,as muc as possible , and i love when my comment gets replied to ,too, but i always wanted something that gets delivered thru email ,both ways.
Thats where i met Intense Debate, a v fantastic commenting system.
First of all its realll easy to install , way easier than u think , and will elaborate a little , but i u ever have a niggle or trouble , their awesome support is really something i have to mention.
They actually reply within or in less than 24 hours + take the time to reply every query , no matter how many u are full of.
And honestly they are extremely sweet and make ur day with their solutions as well as warmth !
Michael is one of them , thannxxx a ton lods Michael , u rock!
I actually wanted to post this with a recipe Michael would love but thought can always do that later.
Intense Debate is absolutely easy to install , truly , there are step by step pics here and here , how its done and i am absolutely not techie , so if u can do it , then u sure can:-)
+ the Intense debate blog has lods of tips and tricks and more...
+ they have a Custom CSS option where u can play around with the fonts , size and color of the comments , u need to have the color of the codes which is really easy to get ofcourse ...
Here are a few more links, that sure will convince u to change to ID.
Other thing i love is the layout for replying !
+ comment Luv....thats a plugin that tells
Yeah Intense Debate has that too , which u simply have to activate on ur Plugin page , once u have an account. Its free and easy.

I love Comment luv , coz that immediately tells me of my readers recent post , when they comment and u can say hullo too.
All sorts of questions are welcome and i will sure try my best to explain or ask ID to.
Happy thursday.
Marlie and Me , a very sweet and wonderful blogger has a linky going ,and if u want her to say hullo to u , do link up here , and i too will say hullo and love ur posts ,when u link up here below.
I am so happy to meet you and know you and hope you are too.If u'd like to join in the fun , write a little about ur week too ,maybe a little incident that rocked ur boat , and put a smile that never went away.
Ur sweet time with ur little angel and more .....
Anything ,and if u want , maybe ur fav recipe of the week:-)
Jus link back here and add to the linky below
Leave your links below of Sunshine Thursdays.
Any post is fine, even your fav baked goodies.
Just link back here and lemme know when you comment that you left a link so I can know right in my inbox that you did.
Ur sweet time with ur little angel and more .....
Anything ,and if u want , maybe ur fav recipe of the week:-)
Jus link back here and add to the linky below
Leave your links below of Sunshine Thursdays.
Any post is fine, even your fav baked goodies.
Just link back here and lemme know when you comment that you left a link so I can know right in my inbox that you did.
Or what u like best about blogging , if not this week , i can make it to the next :-)
Or if not a post , u can still tell us in the comments , what was it , that made u smile today and this week , and take all the space u want :-)
Or if not a post , u can still tell us in the comments , what was it , that made u smile today and this week , and take all the space u want :-)