Tuesday, September 21, 2010

PEACHY APPLE CRUMBLE-d crispiest crumbliest buttery crumble....

Oh Blogomania was suc a runaway sucess, i mean with 1300+ entries to my giveaway, 100+ followers and more so on twitter and Fb and within 2days ,am already looking foward to the next one:-)

I have emailed all my winners and waitn for 2 confirmations!!

For those who missed it , i still have a giveaway going , [along with all i learnt abt a vanilla bean] for gorgeous premium vanilla beans!!
Vanilla sugar anyone?

This Buttery crumble reminds me ,and makes me happy to ,dat our locally available butter,Amul ,has now hit the markets with unsalted butter, i got a call a few months back with the supermarket informing me of the same:-)
Well now the President and Lurpark packs are only out for breakfast and not for my tests:-)
Unless am working with chocolate....pure chocolate and i have almost worked my way thru that bag of callebaut:-), i have 5 varieties but somehow reach out for the milk always!!

Do you like apple crumble, sandy asked me!
I kinda knew what a crumble was and have been drooling over crisps and cobblers too.
Wiki sure will tell me the difference but it was Sandy's description that had me wanting to dig into one right away. you know its apple ( hah juicy and delicious what flavored with some lime and vanilla), and then we warm it in the micro and top with some smooth cream, luscious smooth cream, not whipped cream she corrected me.
of course living in India both are a distant reality unless you live in bombay or delhi.:-). sigh . . Sigh. .

well we were soon talking about creams and their types in the uk and here , and that was that!
or was it?
my new little ramekins made it a little easier to indulge and ThanxX 2dat little chat w Sandy, its a reality rite here.
Oh ,hang in der, we arent done yet coz i must show u my cuteeee new ramekins, for some1 who was so starved of ramekins , now i have a little collection , and id so love to begin with my hearts!!!

Id rather say ,we warmed up, den i broke in:-), oh ofcourse Le Creuset tops and i love my hearts...[i have 'em in another color too, i know u want to know ,i'll show u next time ok]

And i love the Le C star too:-)

And my HIC hearts arent far behind, oh dey are super super cuteee too....and the red and white HIC hearts are perfect for creme brulee too.

Ceramics bake beautifully and match my sprinkles too:-)

Ahh , can tools be far behind, everytime i open my kitchen drawer with the red and pink theme [more red for now,coz i want to have a seperate pinki one too:-)) ], i excitedly gaze at my cute is it, the gleaming ,originally woodwork tool, zests like a dream!!

Oh my drawers,fast filling with tools have me happy and gay:-))

I wanna zest for every dessert!!

I love the Kitchen Aid set of tools too and used this peeler with great ease and it made apple peeler so muc more easier !!

 Will love to show u a couple of more graters and peelers and wat have u in my fav colors too, dey grate, zest ,peel , the skin off ur hands too with d same gusto...

So if u singing a song and swaying while at dez jobs. Beware!!!

BAck to the Crumble, lets begin with the fillings...gorgeous fillings dat are naturally so good and butter enhances!!

Flavored with cinnamon, honey, golden syrup, after all UK'S invention, and the best one at that, i didn say that Nigella L did. And lime.

Sandy this one's for ya, topped !
little pots of deliciousness that have all the goodness that perfectly compliments apples. . .
One of the better parts of the crumble...hazelnuts...or is it butter....

Or maybe they work together to make a delicious destination!!!

recipe inspired from Delicious Mag

 Filling 1
Hah not to forget the apple rich filling, well my cusinart blender, sure makes this in a jiffy right in the sauce pan. 

 Peel, core and chop 3 apples then place in a large pan with the lemon juice and caster sugar.
What i did is caramalize lightly a part of sugar, and tossed the apples!
Instant caramelly apple filling, this is how i wud make some apple sauce too:-)
With the peels for the color , rosy hue [or add some color maybe, unless u wanna use up blueberries like me]lol!
Heat on a high heat until the juices start to run, then cover and turn the heat right down and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring once or twice until the fruit cooks to a pulp. -well since this didn seem to be happenning around i was more than happy to use my Cusinart blender , right in to the pot and place it back on low flame!!!
Stir vigorously to help it break down. Remove and cool.

Flavored with cinnamon, honey, golden syrup, after all UK'S invention, and the best one at that, i didn say that Nigella L did. And lime.

2 apples tossed in cinnamon , vanilla, lime , zest, cook till juices thicken and add a blob of unsalted buttery goodness.

ofcourse with a good 2 tbh of golden syrup!!!

The juices of this buttery apple filling sure makes a wonderful sauce to go along....

chopped peaches cooked slowly with sugar, lemon zest and vanilla are reduced to a luscious dream . .

For peaches. -i used tinned ones coz our fruit table had not a peach left and it was not until evening that would have them replenished!!
And i was free now in went a tinned one:-))

Freely flavored with a vanilla bean or 2!!

As u want in any order, or jus one filling will be delicious too:-)
Toss in some cherries /blueberries , tossed in vanilla sugar and then u go!

TOPPING-the buttery crispiest and melt in ur mouth crumbly topping!
The crisp topping brings together the great threesome of flour, sugar, butter, only better with toasted hazel nuts, vanilla and lime zest!

# 100g plain flour
# 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon- a whole vanilla bean scraped seeds/a little zest or rose water with saffron
# 90g unsalted butter [MIXED salted and unsalted]
# 50g  corsely ground lightly toasted hazelnuts [cashewnuts along r fantastic too]
#30 grams icing sugar
# 60 g soft brown sugar

whizz all except sugar [mix the vanilla cinnamon with the sugar- frangrance u'll love...] to fine crumble mix and then mix in the sugar.

 Butter all the ramekins well and then assemble in any order with the crumbly topping atop!
Toss the hazel nutty buttery topping, pop into the oven and in a bit you have a crumbly crispy topping, that deliciously leads you to the goodness below.

baked for almost - 1 hour but then my oven is ''different""
heated @190, baked @ 180 and then lowered to @ 150 on a small flame setting [ well i was aiming for real crisp]

RIght outa the oven waiting to be.....

dressed up....

with sprinkles or cherries....

or dug into.....

the golden syrup in the apples , caramalizes to a perfect golden caramelly sweet apples, caramel apples to the core....

 the crumble stays crisps for than 24 hours , though i did cling wrap the ramekins!
After that , though i doubt there would be any left overs , pop it in the oven.

The closest i got the dreamy cream Sandy described is melted , cold vanilla ice cream!!!

I love as u dig in , the crisp ,almost praliney, with the ground nuts and brown sugar, topping that melts in ur mouth ....
U have part of the filling thats sweet as delicious can be and part carmelly from the golden syrup....

Even if u stick to one filling these are bliss together!!

The crisp topping brings together the great threesome of flour sugar butter, only better with toasted hazel nuts, vanilla and lime zest!
And there is a something special to go with the apples too, peachy bites! whats not to like!
I'll never find out. . .
 i did try one with a base too, a cheese cakkey base. ground basic biscuits, crackers would be great too, with sugar, brought together with soft butter and push it in, thats it. . . . you'll love it as you discover the layers, digging into the crisp topping, right into the sweet melee of apples and fruits and if you get the pot , you'll find the one with the base too.

And if i thought that chocolate and apples didn go together, this one proved me wrong!
 loved it with a little custard, its so so good. there le creuset ramekins are perfect for those desserts right from the oven to the fridge to the micro to the table or any way you may please.

 The peaches  atop cinnamon tossed apples, juices cooked to thicken with a blob of salted butter and you have a. . . Super luscious dream.
The juices of the buttery apple filling sure makes a wonderful sauce to go along....
Layers you will to discover and deliciously delight in...

And a scoop of my all time fav creamy vanilla aint far behind!!!

I think a cashewnut, rose water flavored struessal with saffron marinated apples would be tops too.

Well am sure id add some vanilla too, i love the little specs all around.
Black never looked so beautiful, unless you talk mickey mouse, for a lover of pinks and reds and hearts in me.

Am sending this buttery crumble to the lovely host of this months Monthly Mingle, Deeba of Passionate about Baking , a truly delightfull blog filled with gorgeous bakes, and am delighted that this months theme is fruits, and fruity delights! Monthly Mingle was started by Meeta ,of another fantastic blog, What for Lunch Honey?


  1. Your buttery crumble looks absolutely fantastic, Mia!! Love cozy desserts like this. :-)

  2. As usual lovely pics mia, crumble looks awesome and so yum

  3. Mia, your tart is great but I must admire all your new goodies. The red must make your baking area, bright, when you take out the molds and tools.

    You really got beautiful stuff and I am happy for you. You, so deserve all the good there is.

  4. OMG! That buttery crumble makes me hungry, Mia. And, those cooked peaches with vanilla and lemon zest is simply mouthwatering :-) Yumm!!!!!

  5. That looks wonderfully good! And here I am without a dessert in my hand! :P

  6. Awesome crumble dessert. Want it right now.

    Hey -- where are the winner's list? I was wanting that Nigella's book. Now I have to look for it online. Boohooo..

  7. I LOVE a good crumble! Especially with peaches, which are so gloriously in season right now.

    I love all your heart shaped pans!

  8. Querida Amiga,
    as suas sobremesas têm sempre uma apresentação tão linda e que deliciosas que são! Adorei esta receita que já anotei!
    Beijinho grande.

  9. Double drool on that crumble, Mia! And I adore your heart-shaped dishes!
    Looks to me as though you are really collecting some wonderful kitchen gadgets!

  10. Your crumbles all look delicious. I love the individual servers you used to highlight the crisp. You asked if longer cooking time would result in a crisper cookie. Yes! Have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  11. You are on a fruity roll dahlin' girl, and I'm loving this with you...only virtually! I love the Le Cruset mini ramekins. They are PRECIOUS!! Thank you for another yum entry to the Mingle!


and thanx a ton loads for hopping by....
Do leave ur blog link so i can visit u too....
And have a cheerfully rocking happy day♥Sparkling with the joys of SPRINGTIME and warmth of SUMMER..